Friday 9 October 2015

WEEK 12 - My Comic For My Friend

     W E D N E S D A Y ,  7  S E P T E M B E R ,  2 0 1 5


     Today we played a game - My comic for my friend.

     Everyone will get a piece of paper and doodling free line on it to cover the whole paper.

     And then, we fold it into 9 space, use another colour to separate the line.

     After that, our paper with our name on it passed to teacher and received other classmate's paper randomly.

     I got Deepika's, then i start to draw a story according to the line she already drew.

     This story is about a bird accidentally enter a big cave and encounter a big snake which being chasing by a big axe-like shadow in that cave. Then both of the snake and the bird are running out from the from the cave to prevent themselves implicate into dangerous. But the truth is, there is a small people behind them who using torch light to enhance the size of his axe's shadow to astonish that big snake.

She is the first person I talk with during the first day in school.

She like to make new friends as her communicate skill

She also like to help others 

She let me feel that she's a good friend when she explained to me about the homework which i don't understand.

This is my paper, done by Asyura. Cute! Although she was not complete it, but I appreciate :)

His name is Ugesh. A big tall guys! He is steady and like to give a helping hand for people who need help. He also a great person you can talk with.

Her name is Siew Kei. Both of us are malaysian, so we help each other.
We always in a same group. She is hardworking, working for living expenses.

Her name is Tan Yin Ying. She is the one who willing stand with me. Sometimes she doing weird action and make me don't know how to respond. But l like to be friend with someone like her. I don't even know how she can tolerate my broken english.

His name is Jason. He like to laugh, it make everyone like to be with him. He always the fastest person who completed the homework. I like to discuss the idea with him.


The presentation for last week work

Those works are amazing and creative!

I like this group's menu. Their creative idea surprised me.

This group's menu design was clean and tidy.

Friday 2 October 2015

WEEK 11 - Food Challenge

     W E D N E S D A Y ,   3 0  S E P T E M B E R ,   2 0 1 5


     Today we were restaurant menu designers. Our task is to design a big menu ( by using mahjong ) from one title, and we have to make it more variable.

     Siew Kei
     Yin ying

This the title our group obtained

     We must use up all three type of given food - Apple, jam and Mars chocobar into each dishes, but no adding of OTHER FOOD. Also, connected taste has to be flavorful and appetizing.

     In addition, the cooking style can be change and alter. Most important part is to appeal our restaurant's LOGO to the intended audience.

     Then, we started.

We are discussing how the way we want to present our menu

Debbie was wrote down all the ideas from members

Menu Concept

     We decided to make it three part - Appetizer, Main course and dessert.

     In the process, it seems more advantage for girls to design the food, especially the sweet one! So, they planing the food while I was designing the logo. I'm trying hard to involved myself but it doesn't work, still can't understand the name and the type of food they planing to use.T.T

After discussing, we work together. Drawing and colouring

The process

     During work, they also not forget to planing their lunch after school. Our appetite have been stimulated by our artwork...ahhh!

     We have four pages.

 Cover page. Logo

Page 1 . Appetizer

Pomme Dip
Apple slices with
Melted chocolate
& Jam

$ 6.90

Page 2 . Main course

Mashed apple and jam
with melted drizzled chocolate
and chocolate bits
+ Apple juice

$ 15.90

Page 3 . Dessert

Chockie Chockie
Melted chocolate sticks
with apple 
and coated in jam

$ 9.90

     So, full set is about $32.70!! Our customer still have the choice order it separately.

     We haven't finish yet so far, will be continue next week. Bye!