Saturday 22 August 2015

WEEK 5 - Secret Scheme Revealation

19 Aug 2015

   Today we gonna present our last week's work. Every group are enter a final stage to finish their prototype. Everybody was busy on their work. The group cooperation spirit in this classroom were vividly and incisively. It was a good smell hehe.

Enjoying the work.

 All of us doing research for any improve on our prototype.

This is our final outcome - The Underground of Egypt.
we are the first who done the prototype.
    Until time's up, we presented our prototype group by group. We gathered and listening the others group show and describe the function of their work, and we have to guess what is the country other groups have done.

I like the simple design of this group's work

Second group's prototype.

Nice design!! There's the white round-like things around the building is Sci-fi studio for researching and invention he said.

Most of the prototype contents solar energy. I think any business which related with solar energy will have a grand exhibition. ( I already change my aspiration to become the supplier of solar plate haha )

Obviously is Japan style XD
the door is actually a solar plate.
    Compare with them, our prototype was obviously reflect the country we chose the most in class. They just told the correct answer - Egypt, once our prototype was exposed.

     And is our turn. Due to communicate skill of our group members are not good ( especially in English ), we suffered an awkward silence in front the whole class! So embarrassing...

     After a very long moment ( I think ). Teacher start to encourage someone to talk, but we still busy to look at each other entreat for help, then, I'm talked. Just present the prototype simply and answered some question about our work from classmate.Too anxious until forgot why there was a river in the desert while being asked. But there actually a river in Egypt names Nile and it exist since a long time ago from the first dynasty there. It is the main resource for the Egypt ancient.
    A deep sigh of relief let out from my thorax with the applause arise which means our presentation already finish. 

    Since I introduce our prototype, I can heard a classmate besides me encourage me. He is giving the confident to me. After finish, he said ' good job bro' to me and I very appreciate him for this. It is a good lesson for me although having a awkward moment in the class. I hope will be stronger and more confident to speak in the rest of my life.

    Each student received a paper with a drawing watch on it. We have a mission to design a watch for our friend who beside us. We can asking for our friends about their favourite before we start design.

    She's a China girl, so I decide to design a China style art for her. Bamboo and panda are always a strong expression of China culture!

Final work.

    Always heard she talk about something cute or some adorable things which she sick about. So, the center of the watch is a cute panda and some bamboo on the watch band. Actually the initial concept is to present a Chinese ink art style on it, but is quite hard using the ball point pen to draw that feel.

    Hope she will like it :D

Friday 14 August 2015

WEEK 4 - A Secret Scheme

12 Aug 2015

    Today we playing about something interesting game - as a designer who receive a secret scheme from government. As usual, our class separated into 4-6 people one group, and every group drew lots from teacher to obtain a piece of paper.

    The passage on paper is about the government sent us a secret scheme, all we have to do is design a living space for citizen in 2088. We need to do a prototype about an underground at Egypt in the future.


    First image come to our thought was using the shape of Pyramid. We using brainstorming method and came out a simple initial concept.

this is what we feel from the word Egypt

    Then we start drawing into bigger size and insert more detail such as the resources of water to underground, Hi-tech farm without planting on the surface (because there is no plant could survive at the extremely hot temperature desert) and solar energy system for supplying the electric usage in the underground.

 flying engine also considered as a point for this structure.They can enabling emergency system and fly away if they encounter  by disaster ( I think there's hard to survive at the surface of the earth in future since man-made hurting this world a lot long time ago.)
Inspired by this pic from one member's phone gallery of our group. What a breathtaking artwork!

    In the meanwhile, we started making model for the concept.

    Using sticks, plaster, paper and a carton.We almost stuck at which material is suitable to make a elevator.

    The carton which placed on the top stand for the surface of  desert.This building has 3 parts. Upper part most like diving room because it is the only floor which contact with the sunlight. Residents can enjoy the view in night or feel the sunlight through there as they deserve it. It;s better than don't even know how the earth really look like.

    Part 2 is the place they living in. Still require basic facilities for human such as shops, houses, school and more. In the center of the pyramid, there is a big water storage for supplying. The leader of the pyramid will drive it to another places finding for resources while the water storage in an emergency stage.

   The lowest part is for natural maintaining. Plants, flowers, grains, food storage and something like warehouse.

after tidying up the sketches we drew
   Others group are making their work faster than us, we having a bit of anxious.

   Finally, time is up, and the lesson will continue next week...

Thursday 13 August 2015

WEEK 3 - Reverse Thinking

5 Aug 2015, Wednesday.

    It is a cloudless day, we all learning about the reverse thinking which is doing the research of the interesting building that we founded and start ponder over what aspiring the designer of the building to design the building.

    So, our group decided to visit Bugis+, formerly known as Illuma, is the crown jewel located in the heart of Bugis which is near by our school.

    The facade of the mall plays with the theme of light and illumination, having high-tech features such as a light- and media facade designed by WOHA. The "crystal mesh" facade envelops the convex part of the building and brightly lit billboards will scatter across its flatter sides, unlike those in the Times Square

The architecture is so beautiful! Unique texture of the building giving a pleasure vision and its good looking not boring anyone. The colour of the shopping mall also simple but looks various, it's using split complimentary contrast colour to make it more attract.

When we entered the shopping mall.

The designer lay emphasis on the ceiling also. Three main colours which is black, white and grey used to make the appearance of the mall more clear and clean.

The theme the designer used inside the mall was amazing! Ceiling and the floor are related with one pattern.Overlooking, overlapping and directing views up, down and across, are strategies throughout the building, inside and outside, to enhance vibrancy, people-watching and excitement.

Every single has its own design and style, make the entire mall more plentiful.

Personally, I love this advertisement structure design, like rubik's cube and more space for doing advertisement.
After taking photo of the building, we went back our class and every group shared the research and their thought with classmate. It's hard to reverse thinking for me. I'm very admire those who have a lot of idea to sharing. Through this lesson, I'd learned some history and story of some Singapore's building.

Bugis+ in night
 Crystal Mesh media façade composed of faceted jewel-like fixtures that glitter in the day and glow in the night. It is using the simple energy saving bulbs in the custom designed reflector which controlled by the custom designed software. Quite nice at night view.

WEEK 2 - 10 Interest Things

I'm just knowing about some interesting things recently and would like to share with someone


    Bubble wrap is kind of interesting creation as the function of protecting valuable and vulnerable product. And many of us have an oddity habit such as compressing it to make some satisfying pop sound,  it is often used as a source of amusement. Even has it own celebration day on the last monday of the January! The fact is, bubble wrap was originally designed to be used as wallpaper. Two inventors named Alfred Fielding and Marc Chavannes. But this wallpaper idea didn't sell too well in 1957. After that, this creation turn to used it as greenhouse insulation, this idea didn't pan out popularly either. After 3 years, bubble wrap finally used as a good packaging material to protect computer and others fragile product due to IBM announced their new 1401 variable word length computer.


    If you approach two people who are in the middle of a conversation and their legs point to the opposite direction of you – might mean that they are not really interested in you, and probably don’t want to share the conversation. Quite interesting to knowing this kind of knowledge.

    Rubik's cube is a puzzle game which attracted many people to play. In fact, a standard rubik's cube can be solved in 20 moves or less! There are many different algorithms and varying in complexity and number of moves required, but those can memorized and used by a human is typically require more than 40 moves.


    One can estimate his dog’s life expectancy by viewing the dog’s facial features – dogs with long, sharp faces intend to live longer than those who have a more flat face. It's a weird way to estimate.



    By the age of 35, a human will lose about 7,000 brain cells everyday. Unfortunately for us, those cells will never re-new. Learn more since we were young is the best way from prevent us wasting our brain cell.


    The strongest organ in our body is the tongue. You may not able to lift weights with it, but relative to it’s size, this is the strongest muscle in body that works almost nonstop by talking, eating and swallowing.


    I love turtle so much! Although after knowing the turtle can breathe through its butt.


    Japan has invested in a series of melody roads that sing out a tune as you drive over them, as part of a new tourist attraction and anti-sleep mechanism.
An actual pic from the internet.


Joseph Aigner was a known painter in Austria, 19th century. Aigner was pretty depressed and tried to kill himself numerous times. His first try was when he was 18 years old, he tried to hang himself but got disturbed by a mysterious appearance of a monk. when he reached 22 he tried to hang himself again, but the mysterious monk came in his path once again, preventing his death. 8 years later death came to visit again only this time by kidnappers that took Aigner for his political opinions – again, the monk appeared on time and saved him. Only at age 68 Aigner managed to kill himself with a bullet through his head. The memorial service was held by the mysterious monk – whose name Aigner never knew. Such an incredible coincidence.


    We see our nose at all times, but our brain just chooses to ignore it. (I'd try many time to stop ignoring it)

Wednesday 12 August 2015

WEEK 1 - The Journey

    This is about the journey of my life in NAFA. Since the school was started, I'm extremely excited and mix up with many expression. But, the thing that boring me is I have to traveling daily from Malaysia to Singapore and from Singapore to Malaysia.

     I know many student which study in Singapore have places to stay, but I'm certainly not the one of them. Due to our finance situation is not good enough to let me rent a room without sharing with friends plus the reason of the distance between Malaysia and Singapore is quite close comparing with others oversea students(parent's opinion).

    So,the schedule for every school day is taking bus to Jurong East and get on MRT to NAFA. It's take about 3 hour if no traffics jam at the kastam. After school, same way to get home. I must say, it is to many people access the bridge between this two country and obviously all of them is to enter Singapore for work and study especially the amount of the motorbike. Then, the only feeling that I have is proud to be a part of NAFA student. The hardest moment is waiting bus. CROWDED!!

    You have to learn smart otherwise it's hard to fight with the crowd and get on the bus. Kind of drudgery. No time to take a selfie for the magnificent sight.

    On the journey to school, there is a street I will always pass through - Sima Road. Everyday, many people come here for the temple. Is a lively street.

Guan Yin Temple of Sima Road.

many stall on the street and most of their owner are old people.
Sri Krishnan Temple

    Food court beside the street. I'm almost settled my lunch and dinner at here, food are cheaper and delicious!

waiting bus CW3 after school(the longest line at the bus station I never met before I swear)

can you see the queue behind there?Yes, it is connected with the line I'm stand

a small chance to have a seat. sigh of relief 
   Sometimes while waiting for the bus, I have incidentally made some friend by chat with them. They are really good person, sometime we just judge people by its appearance without knowing each other.
Some people will help me if the line is too long, he/she just keep me a place in the queue if I'm too slow.

   On the bridge between SG & M'SIA. A good view by looking the sea beside^^I'm do really like it

calm , tranquil , peaceful

sometimes I'm just imagine if I can swim in the sea. How wonderful is it!
just imagine...

I think I'm in the "independence course"also. 
After the school life started, I realized that bedroom is the most comfortable space for me and the sleeping time became important thing in my life since then.

Despite I have to waste about 5 hours on traveling everyday, but is happy to learning in school. It is very interesting for each courses, at least I'm satisfied.