Saturday 22 August 2015

WEEK 5 - Secret Scheme Revealation

19 Aug 2015

   Today we gonna present our last week's work. Every group are enter a final stage to finish their prototype. Everybody was busy on their work. The group cooperation spirit in this classroom were vividly and incisively. It was a good smell hehe.

Enjoying the work.

 All of us doing research for any improve on our prototype.

This is our final outcome - The Underground of Egypt.
we are the first who done the prototype.
    Until time's up, we presented our prototype group by group. We gathered and listening the others group show and describe the function of their work, and we have to guess what is the country other groups have done.

I like the simple design of this group's work

Second group's prototype.

Nice design!! There's the white round-like things around the building is Sci-fi studio for researching and invention he said.

Most of the prototype contents solar energy. I think any business which related with solar energy will have a grand exhibition. ( I already change my aspiration to become the supplier of solar plate haha )

Obviously is Japan style XD
the door is actually a solar plate.
    Compare with them, our prototype was obviously reflect the country we chose the most in class. They just told the correct answer - Egypt, once our prototype was exposed.

     And is our turn. Due to communicate skill of our group members are not good ( especially in English ), we suffered an awkward silence in front the whole class! So embarrassing...

     After a very long moment ( I think ). Teacher start to encourage someone to talk, but we still busy to look at each other entreat for help, then, I'm talked. Just present the prototype simply and answered some question about our work from classmate.Too anxious until forgot why there was a river in the desert while being asked. But there actually a river in Egypt names Nile and it exist since a long time ago from the first dynasty there. It is the main resource for the Egypt ancient.
    A deep sigh of relief let out from my thorax with the applause arise which means our presentation already finish. 

    Since I introduce our prototype, I can heard a classmate besides me encourage me. He is giving the confident to me. After finish, he said ' good job bro' to me and I very appreciate him for this. It is a good lesson for me although having a awkward moment in the class. I hope will be stronger and more confident to speak in the rest of my life.

    Each student received a paper with a drawing watch on it. We have a mission to design a watch for our friend who beside us. We can asking for our friends about their favourite before we start design.

    She's a China girl, so I decide to design a China style art for her. Bamboo and panda are always a strong expression of China culture!

Final work.

    Always heard she talk about something cute or some adorable things which she sick about. So, the center of the watch is a cute panda and some bamboo on the watch band. Actually the initial concept is to present a Chinese ink art style on it, but is quite hard using the ball point pen to draw that feel.

    Hope she will like it :D

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