Wednesday 12 August 2015

WEEK 1 - The Journey

    This is about the journey of my life in NAFA. Since the school was started, I'm extremely excited and mix up with many expression. But, the thing that boring me is I have to traveling daily from Malaysia to Singapore and from Singapore to Malaysia.

     I know many student which study in Singapore have places to stay, but I'm certainly not the one of them. Due to our finance situation is not good enough to let me rent a room without sharing with friends plus the reason of the distance between Malaysia and Singapore is quite close comparing with others oversea students(parent's opinion).

    So,the schedule for every school day is taking bus to Jurong East and get on MRT to NAFA. It's take about 3 hour if no traffics jam at the kastam. After school, same way to get home. I must say, it is to many people access the bridge between this two country and obviously all of them is to enter Singapore for work and study especially the amount of the motorbike. Then, the only feeling that I have is proud to be a part of NAFA student. The hardest moment is waiting bus. CROWDED!!

    You have to learn smart otherwise it's hard to fight with the crowd and get on the bus. Kind of drudgery. No time to take a selfie for the magnificent sight.

    On the journey to school, there is a street I will always pass through - Sima Road. Everyday, many people come here for the temple. Is a lively street.

Guan Yin Temple of Sima Road.

many stall on the street and most of their owner are old people.
Sri Krishnan Temple

    Food court beside the street. I'm almost settled my lunch and dinner at here, food are cheaper and delicious!

waiting bus CW3 after school(the longest line at the bus station I never met before I swear)

can you see the queue behind there?Yes, it is connected with the line I'm stand

a small chance to have a seat. sigh of relief 
   Sometimes while waiting for the bus, I have incidentally made some friend by chat with them. They are really good person, sometime we just judge people by its appearance without knowing each other.
Some people will help me if the line is too long, he/she just keep me a place in the queue if I'm too slow.

   On the bridge between SG & M'SIA. A good view by looking the sea beside^^I'm do really like it

calm , tranquil , peaceful

sometimes I'm just imagine if I can swim in the sea. How wonderful is it!
just imagine...

I think I'm in the "independence course"also. 
After the school life started, I realized that bedroom is the most comfortable space for me and the sleeping time became important thing in my life since then.

Despite I have to waste about 5 hours on traveling everyday, but is happy to learning in school. It is very interesting for each courses, at least I'm satisfied.

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